The Coupe Icare

First held in 1974, the Coupe Icare is inseparable from the Plateau des Petites Roches. Every year, thousands of spectators and paragliders flock to the Chartreuse to take part in or attend this internationally renowned event. So, on the 3rd weekend of September, the Petites Roches plateau and the Grésivaudan valley are decked out with the craziest flying machines. Highly-anticipated by free-flight enthusiasts, it’s also a festive weekend-long event.

Origins of the Coupe Icare

The origins of the Coupe Icare date back to May 1974. At that time, only 3 gliders were launched from the foot of the Dent de Crolles. Very quickly, the Delta Club of Saint-Hilaire du Touvet was born. In September 1974 the 1st Coupe Icare was organised by the Delta Club in partnership with the Saint-Hilaire du Touvet tourist office. At the time there were only fifty participants, but 2 years later the number had already risen to over 200. In other words, the Coupe Icare was already a real success. Over the years, the event has become a resounding success, and in 1979 the Coupe Icare was the occasion for organising the World Free Flight Championships. Over the decades, the Coupe Icare has attracted new enthusiasts and new types of flying, but its reputation is already well established.
The world's largest free-flight event

Take part in the Coupe Icare

Every year, the Coupe Icare in Chartreuse gives rise to a breathtaking aerial spectacle. This breathtaking sweep of sails will make the eyes of young and old shine. But the Coupe Icare also includes other events such as the festival international du fil aérien with the projection of aeronautical images, a street arts festival and concerts featuring brass bands and musicians.

During the Icarus Cup The Chartreuse skies also welcome dozens of balloons to create a magnificent gathering of hot-air balloons. It’s also the scene of the world’s biggest fancy-dress flying competition, during which pilots take to the skies from the Plateau des Petites Roches in burlesque costumes.

While these fancy dress and free flight events take place over the weekend, the whole week is dedicated to free flight. At theIcare Test at the beginning of the week, you can discover the latest equipment or come to theIcare Expo, the must-attend trade show for free-flight professionals.

How to join the Coupe Icare?

Given the crowds at the Coupe Icare in Saint Hilaire du Touvet, it's best to come by public transport. A number of shuttles have been set up for the event to get you to Lumbin. Several solutions are planned and dedicated specifically to the event. You can take advantage of : icarexpress: regular shuttles between Grenoble and Lumbin running on Saturday and Sunday Icarenbus: shuttles running between the take-off and landing zones icaravélo: cycle routes and cycle parks created specifically for the occasion, enabling you to cycle to Lumbin.