
Craftsmen have always worked with wood. It is carved, sculpted and milled into magnificent shapes and forms. Offering infinite possibilities, woodturning requires a good command of techniques to create objects with delicate finishes.

On the Plateau des Petites Roches, Pascal Christophel excels in the art of woodturning in the Chartreuse region. In his woodturning workshop, he works with different types of wood to create and shape boxes, vases, dishes and hens. A master of woodturning near Grenoble, Pascal Christophel is helping to give local craftsmanship its letters of nobility.

He picks up his wood directly from the forest during his walks in the Chartreuse. It’s during his hikes that he recovers dry or fallen wood, or works on logs offered to him. He uses his woodturning skills to give a second life to this piece of wood destined to end up in a fireplace.

It’s in his woodturning workshop on the Petites Roches plateau in Chartreuse that he gives free rein to his creative imagination. It’s also here that he offers introductory woodturning courses in the Chartreuse region.

Are you looking for an original idea for a day out, or do you simply want to learn about woodworking? Come and take part in an introductory woodturning workshop on the Petites Roches plateau.

Looking for an original wooden decorative object? Go for a mouse on a slice of cheese, a birdhouse for a whole family of birds or more traditional objects. Lamps, vases and plates have found their place on the shelves of theChartreuse woodturning workshop.

Made in Plateau des Petites Roches webseries

Discover the episode dedicated to woodturning

Information and location of the wood turner :